These Bylaws are adopted, ordained and established as a framework for the functioning of the Weiser Community Church as organized under the principles of its Constitution.
Article A: Membership
Section 1 Application for Membership
- Anyone desiring membership in the Weiser Community Church shall contact a member of the Board of Elders.
- The applicant will meet with a member of the Board of Elders to share their spiritual testimony and learn about the responsibilities of membership and the expectations of the Covenant of Fellowship. The interviewing member will report to the Board of Elders and a vote will be held to determine whether to approve the applicant’s membership. Upon approval by the Board of Elders they will take the application to be approved by the Shepherd’s Council who will also vote on the new members. Both voting bodies may only approve of the new members by majority vote. Once the new members are approved by both bodies, they will be introduced to the congregation at the earliest convenience.
- Any person whose application for membership is denied can reapply one year from the date of last application.
Section 2 - Responsibilities of Members
- Each member of the Weiser Community Church shall endeavor to fulfill the commitments made in the Covenant of Fellowship, and seek to identify and use their Spiritual Gifting for the building of the kingdom and equipping of the church.
Section 3 - Voting Privileges
- Members having reached their eighteenth birthday may vote at any business meeting.
Section 4 - Termination of Membership
- By Member's Request - Membership may be terminated by the member's written request. Upon request, a letter of transfer will be issued to those in good standing who request one for membership in another church.
- By Inactivation - A member who has not attended any regular Sunday Worship service for one full calendar year may be removed from active membership and placed on an inactive status by a unanimous vote of the Board of Elders. The members must be contacted prior to being placed as inactive. Inactive members do not have membership privileges. An inactive member may request to be reinstated at any time, and may be reinstated upon recommendation of the Board of Elders and affirmation of the Shepherd’s Council.
- By Death - Membership ceases at death.
Article B - Leadership Structure
Section 1 – Spiritual Leadership
Pastoral Staff
- Calling - When a pastoral vacancy occurs, the Board of Elders and a representative from each Ministry Team and the Shepherd’s Council, will comprise a Pastoral Search Committee. To be eligible as a representative, a team member must be a voting member and have been affirmed at the annual meeting. This committee will research, communicate with and interview candidates. They will recommend a candidate and a salary package to the membership with 80% approval of the committee. Upon this recommendation, the candidate will preach at a worship service, meet with the membership, share his philosophy of ministry and answer questions. A business meeting will be called no later than 10 days to vote on the candidate. A calling will be affirmed with approval by a majority vote of the members. The term of employment will be indefinite upon hire.
- Dismissal - A pastor can be dismissed if a majority of the Board of Elders, excluding relatives, recommend dismissal to the membership and a majority of the membership votes in favor of dismissal. Grounds for dismissal include moral failure, financial misappropriation, or a pattern of dereliction of pastoral responsibilities. The Board of Elders will not entertain an accusation against a pastor unless it is brought by two unrelated members (I Timothy 5:19).
- Responsibilities - The Pastor serves with the Board of Elders and meets the needs of the congregation in preaching, teaching, discipleship, pastoral care and counseling. The pastor should serve as described in I Peter 5:2-3, "a shepherd of God's flock that is under your care: not lording over those entrusted to you but being an example to the flock."
- Additional Pastoral and Administrative Staff - The Board of Elders with the recommendation of the Shepherding Team can approve the hiring of additional pastoral and administrative staff on a part-time or full-time basis within the constraints of the budget and current financial condition of the church.
The Board of Elders
- Election - The Weiser Community Church Leadership shall be comprised of a Biblically founded Board of Elders. Between three to five men, who are voting church members, shall sit on the Board of Elders and they must meet the Spiritual and Character requirements referenced in 1st Tim. 3, 1st Peter 5, and Titus 1. Pastoral staff will serve on the Board of Elders, but do not apply to the numerical requirement. Elders will be nominated by the pastor(s) and current elders and will be affirmed each year by the congregation during the annual business meeting. This affirmation will be done by majority vote of voting members during the annual meeting. Elders will commit to one year of service, but will be given the option to remain on the board for up to three years, or until there is a recommendation that the individual step down or be removed from his position. After three years of service each elder will be asked to take a one year sabbatical and must re-apply when the next open position becomes available. The three year rule does not apply to pastors.
- Responsibilities - The primary responsibility of an elder is to serve as a manager and caretaker of the church (1 Tim. 3:5). That involves a number of specific duties. As spiritual overseers of the flock, elders are to determine church policy (Acts 15:22); oversee the church (Acts 20:28); teach, and preach (1 Tim. 5:17; 1 Thess. 5:12; 1 Tim. 3:2); exhort and refute (Titus 1:9); and act as shepherds, setting an example for all (1 Pet. 5:1-3). Elders are also responsible for providing accountability to the pastoral staff (James 5:16; Prov.27:17) and to write an annual performance review of all those employed by the church. The pastor(s) may assist in writing of the performance reviews, with the exception being his own.
Shepherds’ Council
- Election - The Shepherd's Council shall be composed of three or more voting church members who meet the character requirements written about deacons and deaconesses in 1 Timothy 3:8-13. The members of the Shepherd's council shall be voted upon annually by the membership at the annual business meeting. Nominations to the Shepherd's Council shall occur by the pastor(s) and the current Shepherd's Council. These nominations shall be affirmed by voting members of the congregation at the annual meeting. A member of the Shepherd's Council can serve an indefinite number of consecutive years but shall be encouraged to consider a time of sabbatical rest/renewal at appropriate times.
- Responsibilities - The Shepherd's Council shall provide spiritual care and discipleship to the body while also providing wisdom, ministry vision, and advisement to the Board of Elders. The Shepherd's Council shall work with the Board of Elders to provide proper discipleship and training for the ministries within the body.
Section 2 – Administrative Leadership
- Election - The clerk, who must be a voting member, shall be nominated by the All-Ministry Team and affirmed by a majority vote of members at the annual business meeting.
- Responsibilities - The clerk will keep a record of all church business and administrative meetings. The clerk will keep a record of church membership and conduct all membership correspondence for the church.
- Election - The treasurer, who must be a voting member, shall be nominated by the All-Ministry Team and affirmed by a majority vote of members at the annual business meeting.
- Responsibilities - The treasurer will keep an accurate account of all receipts and disbursements, make payment on all church financial obligations and provide an annual report to the membership. The treasurer will work with the Board of Elders and the Shepherd's Council in preparation of long-range financial planning and make reports as requested. The treasurer will be part of a budget review committee appointed by the Board of Elders to review financial records and present a budget for the upcoming year at the annual business meeting. An annual audit of the financial records of the church shall be completed by a three-member committee appointed by the Board of Elders prior to the annual meeting. The treasurer shall report a monthly financial summary to the Board of Elders.
All-Ministry Team
- Election – The All-Ministry Team will be composed of representatives of each ministry team. Specific ministries to the body of believers and the community including but not limited to; Inspiring Worship, Passion led Prayer, Small Groups, Children's and Youth Ministries, Missions and Outreach, Loving Relations and Functional Structures, will be carried out by teams that are affirmed by voting members of the congregation at the annual business meeting.
- Responsibilities – The All-Ministry Team will meet quarterly or more often as needed for the purpose of reviewing financial reports, evaluating programs and activities, communicating planned activities among the teams and brainstorming for the future.
- Structure - Each ministry team shall select its own leadership, internal structure, strategies, goals and objectives. Each team must appoint a chairperson. The chairperson must be a voting member and will be responsible for general oversight of the team and will be that team’s voting representative on the All-Ministry Team.
Auxiliary Committees
- Committees that exist for specific purposes will be appointed by the All-Ministry Team as needed.
Section 1 - Worship Services
- The Inspiring Worship ministry team will oversee the leadership and structure of worship and be a resource to other groups in the church. The team will recommend to the All-Ministry Team any changes of time, schedule or length of worship services, which will be affirmed upon majority vote.
Section 2 - Business Meetings
- Annual Meeting - The annual meeting of the Weiser Community Church will be held during the third week of January. The purpose of the meeting will be to hear annual reports, to affirm all leadership and to transact other business of the church. The annual financial report shall be available to the membership two weeks prior to the meeting.
- Special Meetings - The Board of Elders, or the All-Ministry Team may call a special meeting. The nature of the business of the special meeting shall be communicated to the membership at least two weeks prior to the meeting.
Section 3 - Facility Usage
a. Specific usage of the facilities outside of church related events will be left to the discernment of the Board of Elders or Shepherds Council. Any non-ministry facility usage must be monitored by a voting member once it has been approved. That member will be responsible for damage, cleaning, and loss.
b. Any usage of the facilities must abide by all laws and articles founded in the Weiser Community Church bylaws and constitution. Facility usage outside of these limitations will be prohibited. This includes equipment and usage of the Main Street digital sign.
Article D - Miscellaneous
Section 1 - Definitions
- Quorum - For all business meetings a quorum shall be 10% of the voting membership.
- Majority - Unless otherwise stated, for all business meetings a majority shall consist of three-fourths of voting members present at the time of voting.
Section 2 - Amendments
- By-laws of the Weiser Community Church may be amended, revised, or added at the Annual Meeting or any duly called Special Meeting. Any changes shall first be presented to the Board of Elders. Once approved by the Board of Elders, amendments will be presented to the congregation for approval at the next annual meeting, or a special meeting if necessary. Changes shall be made available to the congregation for review two weeks prior to the meeting.
Section 3 -Governing Documents -
The Weiser Community Church Constitution, Statement of Faith, and Church Bylaws must be made easily accessible to all members and visitors. This can include, but is not limited to, making them available on the church website and placing them within plain view in the church building.